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Agencies Prepare to Shift Social Strategies as TikTok Ban Looks Likely


Some are pausing spend while others back up content and data after the Supreme Court indicated the ban would uphold


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Independent agency Allen & Gerritsen (A&G) is telling clients to wait for a decision while slowly diversifying onto other platforms.

“Nothing is final yet, and even if U.S.-based brands and users can’t post, it’s unlikely that they’ll lose access to the app and their existing content immediately,” said Amber Burns, supervisor of creator relations at A&G.

Similarly, The Martin Agency is advising clients to wait until a final decision is made by the Supreme Court. It’s also advising clients to pause posting on social in general from Jan. 19 to Jan. 21 to avoid “getting buried in content surrounding Inauguration Day,” said Davis and Wuelfrath.

Still, contingency plans are in the works. A&G is ensuring content made for TikTok can easily be used across platforms, while Acadia and Martin are encouraging clients to back up their data and save any content and reporting while keeping a close eye on performance.